Tag: My first experience

My First Experience Episode 5

My First Experience Episode 5 My First Experience As Jane spoke with her mother, she told her everything. There was silence at the other end of the line. Her mother couldn’t say any word, she had an emotionally melt down. “Mum are you still there? say something please ” she pleaded. Jane why didn’t you […]

My First Experience Episode 4

My First Experience Episode 4 MY FIRST EXPERIENCE Jane’s virginity came as a shock to Mike. He never believed that a lady of that age would still be a virgin. He immediately withdrew himself from her body and stared at her with a mixed feeling. He can’t say if he was excited or shocked. “Are […]

My First Experience Episode 3

My First Experience Episode 3 My First Experience Jane wasn’t expecting to hear this from Mike. Mike’s words gave her goosebumps and she couldn’t say anything for more than 3 minutes. This was the first time a guy have ever spoken such words to her. No guy have ever outrightly confessed love to Jane. She […]

My First Experience Episode 2

My First Experience Episode 2 MY FIRST EXPERIENCE All through the remaining hours of the day, Mike couldn’t get his mind off Jane. He had so many questions in his mind concerning the girl he helped yesterday. He was lost in thoughts as he kept thinking of his earlier conversation with Jane to the point […]

My First Experience

My First Experience episode 1 18+ My first experience Jane was a gorgeous young girl from a serious Christian family. From her childhood, her lifestyle was perfect. People loved her. Her dressings, speech, and everything. The most respectable part of her life is, she didn’t fake anything. She was an angel and maintained her virginity […]