My First Experience Episode 3

My First Experience Episode 3

My First Experience

Jane wasn’t expecting to hear this from Mike. Mike’s words gave her goosebumps and she couldn’t say anything for more than 3 minutes. This was the first time a guy have ever spoken such words to her. No guy have ever outrightly confessed love to Jane. She wasn’t used to the outburst of emotions she was feeling at that moment.

Mike: Say something please.

Jane: I’m sorry Mike, I have things to do at home. I have to go. She replied as she left Mike immediately.

Mike couldn’t believe it. He was devastated, ashamed and speechless. It was the first time in his life a lady turned down on him.
That night, Mike couldn’t sleep. He was thinking about Jane all through the night. When he finally slept, he only dreamt about Jane.

On the other end, Jane was thinking about Mike and his words. But Jane thought of the advice given to her by her mother. What should I choose Jane asked herself. Mike or my mother’s advice? She tried not to think about Mike. The more she tried, she couldn’t.

The next day, Jane was on her way to school when she ran into Mike.
“Jane can we talk please?” Mike asked, “No, I’m busy and already late” she replied.

Mike: Just a minute I promise. He said and she obliged to his request.

“Jane I know I’m might not be your ideal man. My life is not the perfect life, I know we share different world, but I’m crazy about you. I’ve chosen to be better just for you. I need you in my life, please just think about it. Jane, I love you”.

Jane was dumbfounded, filled with goosebumps. At that point, her heart was beating faster. She didn’t know what to say. She tried to say a word but nothing came out.
(Editors comment: Love sweet oo)

Jane: Sorry Mike. We can’t date. I can’t give you the kind of things you like.

Mike: I need nothing from you. What I only want is your love and nothing else. You only is what I want.

Jane: Story. That’s what you would say now but later, you will start misbehaving.

Mike was heartbroken, his eyes were filled with tears. Finally, he summoned courage and went back home. Jane couldn’t think about anyother thing in the class. She kept thinking about Mike. “Should I give him a chance? I do like him” She thought to herself.

After lectures, she stayed back to study more. She tried studying but couldn’t concentrate. On her way home, she kept thinking of Mike. Immediately, Mike’s call came in. “Hi” she greeted, “hey Jane” he replied in a low tone.

“You don’t sound well. Are you ok” she asked, “yes, I’m fine, where are you?” Mike asked.

Jane: “I’m heading home”

Mike: “Can I come pick you up if you don’t mind, I’m not far from your lecture hall. “Ok sure” Jane replied.

In the car, no said anything. Mike broke the silence.

Mike: How was today’s lecture? And what do you want to have for dinner?

Jane: “I have been thinking about our earlier conversation” she replied.

Mike: Jane please let me into your life, I want you to change me to who you want me to be. You are special, different and unique. Since I met you, my life haven’t remained the same. He said with tears in his heart.

After much thought, Jane agreed to give him a trial. “I like you too Mike. I want to give us a chance” she said.
Mike was soo happy. He couldn’t control the joy and happiness. He hugged Jane.
(Editors comment: Love in Tokyo)

Mike loved Jane and wasted no time showing everyone that she is his girlfriend. Because of her, he stopped some habits that are bad. Went to church service regularly.
For more than 3 months, their relationship was like a perfect stuff, until one rainy night.

Jane visited Mike and after cooking noodles for him, they ate and discussed till evening. As Jane was about leaving, the was a heavy downpour of rain. Jane had no choice but to stay back as she couldn’t go due to the rain.

Mike: There is no umbrella, but we can run to the car, so I can drop you off.

Jane: Nope, It’s Ok.

Mike gave her his clothes to wear and they kept discussing. They talked and laughed for a while before Eric reached out to cuddle her.
Boom, Jane heart beats 5 times faster as they cuddled.

Mike: Thanks for coming into my life Jane. You mean the whole world to me. I love you. he said, “I love you too” Jane replied.

Mike kissed her on the forehead, then on her lips. This sent cold reactions all over Jane’s body as she returned the kissed. Mike moved further to kissing her neck. Jane couldn’t control it, she enjoyed every moment. As he was about to move down and remove her clothes, she resisted.

Mike who was already active, ready to do the do was surprised. I’m sorry Mike. I can’t do this. Jane said.

Mike: Why

Jane: I’m still a virgin

What will happen next?

Episode 4

Updated: May 7, 2021 — 3:29 pm

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