How Relationship Fails And How To Avoid Divorce

How Relationship Fails And How To Avoid Divorce

Marital unhappiness is one of the major reason people resort to divorce mostly in United States. Not only in US, in the whole world.

Nearly half of marriages in this generation ends in divorce. Most relationships or marriages will either suffer or come to an end when either of the partners or both feels unhappy and unfulfilled in the relationship.

Let’s discuss how relationship fails and how to avoid divorce

In a happy relationship, the possibilities of dissipation will be greatly reduced. Considering non-monogamous marriages, people often ask if this form of marriage equally has a high rate of divorce and whether this form of marriage dies prematurely as well.

If these questions are to be answered based on the studies conducted on non-monogamous marriages which shows a much lower rate of divorce than that of monogamous marriages. Then the answer will be ‘No’.

This is believed to be so due to the existence of extramarital affairs which often leads to divorce.

Extramarital affairs cannot be avoided in open relationships, though agreed upon. But still causes jealousy and loss of trust in a partner which will in the end result to divorce. This belief is totally not correct. This is because, if we consider the major reasons why monogamous marriages fail, we will realize that sexual dissatisfaction is one of the reasons.

And having sex with just a person for a very long time can be the main factor. Not only that. There are other reasons why people break up. Reason such as domestic violence, pretense, change in character, etc.

Let’s talk about sexual dissatisfaction

Sexual dissatisfaction encourages infidelity. This is mainly caused by sexual dysfunction or lack of variety.

In regards to this problem, many couples in US chooses open marriage. From interview carried out, most people think is simply the solution.

Whereby you have at least 2 sexual partners, sexual dissatisfaction will be defeated and infidelity will be avoided- in short, this is the main reason why several research conducted shows higher rate of satisfaction in open marriages compared to monogamous marriages.

In essence, does it mean that open marriages can greatly reduce divorce rate?

To answer this, we have to consider individual differences.

Some people are monogamous in nature. That means open relationships are definitely not for them.  Others are non-monogamous, which means that open relationships will best work for them.

Consider a situation where the above is not taken into cognizance, this negligence will increase the risk of getting divorced.

If divorce must to be defeated, these are steps to take:

1. One need to understand clearly the differences between monogamous and non-monogamous marriages and then go further to determine which type best suits them.

2. Understanding is very important.

Have an understanding with your partner to know if you both are likeminded. Where there is such an understanding, the rate of divorce will greatly reduce. Remember for a relationship to work, you must control selfishness.

Sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity will be defeated to the maximum if you understand your partner.

Courtship is very important.

One the reasons marriages doesn’t work is because People pretend a lot in a relationship.

Is no news that open relationships comes with stigma which discourages a lot of people who have interest in open marriages from partaking in such or even expressing their desire for open relationship to their partner or a third party because people ignorantly see open relationship as a calamity.

In my own opinion, if the stigma surrounding open relationships and marriages can be lifted, divorce rate will be reduced drastically as people will confidently choose the type of marriage or relationship they think suits them the most.

Open relationship or monogamy relationship, the most important thing is understanding and maturity.

Understand your partner and know that they are human with flaws. Speak and communicate with them. Work with them to become a better person. Finally love them unconditionally.

Updated: July 2, 2021 — 6:00 pm

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