Why Relationship Fails

Why Relationship Fails

Why Relationship Fails

Most people enter a relationship without anticipating any form of ending. From the start, they wish it will last forever, but this expectation often get defeated along the line. In simpler terms, the rate of failure in relationships is relatively very high.

Common Questions

Why is relationship goals often defeated?

Why do relationship fail?

What can one do to prevent this?

In what way can the lifetime anticipation be achieved?

These are the most frequently asked questions. In regards to this question, this can only be answered when we understand the reasons relationships fail.

Total knowledge of these reasons will help in avoiding relationship failure completely. Below are some of the reasons why relationships fail.

Reasons Why Relationship Fails

1. Poor communication

Be it formal or informal relationship, communication is the major determinant of its success and longevity.

In essence, since there are usually expectations attached to every relationship it is advisable that these expectations be made known to one another.

Most of us think our partners are not good enough. This is because, they could not meet our expectations which we failed to make known to them.

When we feel offended by our partner, the best thing to do is to politely confront them with the issue; dialogue with them rather than keeping those problems to ourselves. And probably using it against them in future.

Instead of thinking our partners are not good enough, why not express those expectations than apportioning blames?

Relationship should be a very strong bond between two lovers. Therefore, both parties are supposed to make their intentions, desires and expectations well defined. When things go contrary, they equally should sit and dialogue peacefully.

Communication is the key.

Lack of dialogue in relationship will lead to either breakup or steal the joy, passion and love in the union. Leaving both partners emotionally deranged. This simply means that success in relationship should not be expected unless there is good communication among the parties.


Your relationship could be in danger if you both become too conventional. (That is, you do not try new activities together. All you think of is sex and dinner. Neither do you both still feel like friends in the company of one another). From start, everything may be working out well or you simply believe they are when the negative signs are already surfacing; your relationship will definitely crumble.


Although sex is not the major determinant of happy relationship, but when is bad or of poor quality it becomes a huge problem for most people. On the other hand, when sex is good, it does not really have much influence in the relationship.

Inadequacy, lack of affection and loneliness will definitely betide as a result of sexual dissatisfaction which will in the end lead to relationship failure. During sex, some partners are after satisfying themselves only and not care a bit if their partner gets the desired pleasure as well.

When making love, both parties need to do more to satisfy each other. This will improve their sexual activeness.  Failure to do this will lead to sex dissatisfaction.


If there is good communication, selflessness and no self-satisfaction, relationship expectations will be met and as well, the aforementioned questions will be correctly answered.

Updated: June 25, 2021 — 3:06 pm

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