TRAPPED Episode 1

TRAPPED Episode 1

TRAPPED Episode 1

Eric the lady’s guy is a young man in his late 20s. He is soo good with womanizing, he never miss shots. Because of this, his friends gave him that nick name – “Eric the lady’s man”.

One day, In a hot afternoon, as he was returning home. He saw a very beautiful damsel. Went up to the girl, spoke with her, he used all his womanizing strategies but the girl said NO.
He was shocked, because for the past 5 years, no girl have ever turned him down. With shame, he left.

After 2 hours, he saw the same girl. But this time, she came to him asking for directions because she was lost. Eric decided to help her find her location and they exchanged contact details.

Getting to his friend’s place, Eric narrated everything to his friends. Least I forget, the beautiful girl’s name is Amanda. As he was discussing with his friends, to his greatest surprise, Amanda walked in.

Eric: Amanda, how did you know I’m here?

Amanda: I gave you my number right?

Eric: Yes.

Amanda: (angrily)Why didn’t you call me?

When Eric friends tried to join their conversation, Amanda abused them and chased them with the dagger in her hands.

This was how Eric’s trouble started.

The next day, the first person he saw in front of his house was Amanda.

Eric: How did you know my house? And what’s all these luggage doing here? How come? Who told you my…..
While he was still talking, she walked into his house with her luggage.

Thoughts kept coming to him. Is Amanda a marine spirit?, a monitoring spirit?, is she mentally ill? Is she a cultist? Did my village people send her? Who did I offend? Have God decided to pay me back for my sins? How will I reverse time? Is this a dream?

What should I do?

This is what happened next

Trapped episode 2

Trapped Episode 2

Updated: January 28, 2021 — 11:55 am

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