[Video] Girl Used by A Yahooplus Scammer For Rituals
In Africa especially western part of Africa, some of the youths are doing anything and everything to make money.
Most of these countries economy is bad and people are trying by all means to get rich. Crimes and corruption is on it’s peak. Selling of human parts, human trafficking, robbery, killings and cybercrime. Romance scam is very common in Nigeria and other parts of the western part of Africa.
Romance scamming is being in a relationship with a foreigner, mostly European/American girls. And at the end rob them of their hard earned money. This can cause the girl to commit suicide and physically/emotionally hurt herself.
Romance scam have become very popular in the world and people are getting smarter daily. This is really affecting the scammers since their source of income no longer works.
Recently, most of these scammers have migrated to another form of scamming called “yahoo plus”. While others have gone into the “black web”.
Black web
Most of these scammers learn how to code and break some high security systems. Especially banks.
This happens when they have access of your bank account number and some other private information of their target. Top scammers like Hush Puppy operate this way.
Yahoo Plus
African is very popular in fetishism. Some scammers uses occultic/demonic power to control their clients. And there is this popular saying: Nothing goes for nothing.
In exchange for this fetish power, a costly price must be paid. This results to rituals. Killing your loved ones, making someone mad, sacrificing your body parts, etc.
Most of the boys uses girls destiny for the ritual. That’s after having sex with them.
The video is a young girl whose boyfriend used for ritual. The story indicated that she noticed something growing in her body and found out it was a live frog.
This article is to educate people to become and wiser because things are happening.