Wahala As Nigeria Man Dies During Marathon Sex With Two Teenagers He Promised To Give Jobs

Nigerian man who died having sex with two teenagers

Nigerian man who died having sex with two teenagers

A retired employee of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST), was found dead in his room during a sex session with two teenagers who he promised to give jobs.

The incident happened in Akwa Ibom.

According to Nigerian Tribune, an anonymous neighbour, said that the man, (an Igbo man, name withheld), engaged in a sex orgy with two teenagers. He lured them into his bed by promising jobs in NIPOST.

“The deceased died of apparent exhaustion arising from the marathon sex with two teenage girls whom he promised to inform of available job offers through the post office located with the Ibom Plaza arena in Uyo.

“We discovered his remains outside the building at about 3 am. When we inquired at his house, we met two girls who claimed the deceased brought them to spend the night. They feigned ignorance of the death of the man; telling us the man went outside to ease himself” the source said.

Spokesperson of the State Police Command, SP Odiko Macdon, confirmed the incident. He also said that the two girls have been arrested.


Source- Lailas News

Updated: October 7, 2021 — 7:27 am

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