Type 2 diabetes, Symptoms,Diagnosis and Treatment

Type 2 diabetes, Symptoms,Diagnosis and Treatment

Type 2 diabetes, Symptoms,Diagnosis and Treatment

What is type 2 diabetes, It’s Symptoms, early signs,c omplications, diagnosis and treatment?

What is Type 2 Diabetes And Symptoms?

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. This occurs when blood sugar levels rise due to insulin problem.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes may include fatigue, increased hunger, and increased thirst.

Due to the insulin issue in the body, people with type 2 diabetes do not make or use insulin correctly.

Symptoms here includes:

1. Frequent urination and increased thirst

2. Increased hunger

3. Weight loss

4  Fatigue

5. Blurred vision

6. Infections and sores

If you notice or experience these symptoms, then see a doctor. Diabetes can lead to a number of serious complications.


What’s Insulin

Insulin is a hormone that regulates the movement of blood glucose or sugar into cells. In return, it is use as energy.

After fasting for 8 hours and your blood sugar levels is more than 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), then you might be a diabetic patient.

Diagnosis and treatment

A doctor can diagnose type 2 diabetes with blood tests that measure blood glucose levels. Many people discover they have high blood sugar during a routine screening test, but anyone who experiences symptoms should see a doctor.

Treatment aims to keep blood glucose levels stable at a healthy level and this can prevent complications. The main ways to do this are through lifestyle measures.


Always have this in mind, diabetes is a diet sickness and the best to fight it is with the right balanced diet.

This is a lifetime exercise.

Steps to follow are:

1. Follow a healthy balanced diet

2. Creating and maintaining a healthy weight and body mass.

3. Keep your body busy every day by exercising.

4. Atleast 8 hours sleep.

5. Quit smoking or avoid it.


Taking medications or insulin is not the best way to treat diabetes. A medication can only control the symptom not the the diabetes.


There is currently no cure for diabetes, but most people with the condition can lead a healthful life by managing their condition properly.
People who maintain a healthy weight, follow a healthful diet, and do regular exercise may not need medication. Taking these steps can help manage blood sugar levels.
Routine screening can alert a person to high blood sugar levels in the early stages, when there is still time to slow, stop, or reverse the progress of diabetes.
Current guidelines recommend regular screening from the age of 45 years, or younger if an individual has other risk factors, such as obesity.



Photo credit: Google.com

Updated: October 16, 2021 — 7:11 am

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