Simple Steps To Be Outstanding In Any Job Application
Getting a job of your dream seems difficult to many people but that’s not true.
I will share with you simple processes involve in job application (using email samples).
Below are samples of comprehensive resume and procedures involved in writing a resume
Step 1
When applying for a job, it is worthy to note that there are a lot of other applicants, so it is advisable to make your resume very professional and concise.
Step 2
It is unprofessional and unethical to make your potential employer feel you are desperate, but at the same time not following up may increase the chances of another applicant to be employed in place of you.
Haven stated the above we will go further to outline the procedures for following up a job application.
Do you want to earn that job? Then you have to follow these easy steps below;
Follow up Procedure
1. It is very necessary that you give the employer enough time to review your application for at least 1-2 weeks (as proved by research) to enable them decide based on their company policy.
Where a response date is specified by the employee or in a situation where it is stated that the applicants are not expected to reach out to the employer after application then, follow-up won’t be necessary at all, but where otherwise is the case, follow-up is highly recommended.
So, it is wise enough to thoroughly go through the rules guarding the application even before applying for the job.
Explore your contacts:
Figure out if you know any member of the company. If you do, try to talk them into reaching out to the appropriate hiring authority in the organization in your favor.
Hunt the hiring authority’s contact:
Where step 1 proves abortive, source a means to reach out to the hiring manager directly. The contact may be encrypted in the vacancy notification or the company’s website. If the contact cannot be gotten from any of the aforementioned sources, then calling the company customer care for inquiry in this regards will be the only solution here.
Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager:
State your interest and response anticipation regarding the job. In doing this, you have to be very concise and polite. You may as well inform them about your readiness to provide any more details about you relevant for the job. This can boost your chances of earning yet another interview.