[Pictures] Anambra Girl Brutally Murdered In Ghana

[Pictures] Anambra Girl Brutally Murdered In Ghana

[Pictures] Anambra Girl Brutally Murdered In Ghana

Ifeoma Ruphina Omile from Nigeria travel to Ghana to supply GBC product to one Mr sunny living in Ghana.

Although we haven’t gotten any information who really killed her and why. But report said the screaming and her body was found after she left Mr. Sunny residence.

When the lady was about to die, she kept shouting and calling friends and people to save her. But no one responded to her call.

Currently, Sunny the man he went to meet is in police custody. His still undergoing investigations.

Although he claimed that after recieving the goods worth of 1.5 million naira from the deceased, they parted ways.

Although the police haven’t mentioned the content of the item, it will be uncovered soon.

Ifeoma from Anambra State, Nigeria
Age, unknown


[Pictures] Anambra Girl Brutally Murdered In Ghana


Updated: December 1, 2021 — 3:16 am

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