Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Congratulations to Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala for conquering.

Although Ngozi Okonji Iweala came from a wealthy home, the woman have planned her future long time ago. A business minded personal, this same lady didn’t expose her nudes on social media or fighting for the most followed lady on social media. “I didn’t say social media is bad.”


she’s less competitive and super intelligent. She wasn’t after iPhone, bone straight hair and any trending material stuff.

First thing she did was to focus on her goal, knowing that every material thing will fall in place.

Ngozi is a humble woman. Pride is in everybody, but for some people, it have eaten them so deeply. To the point they see it as nothing.

Doctor Ngozi Iweala is not a Nigerian feminist but she fights for teenage girls right. She believes so much in Africa, you can sense it from her voice.

She believes in african culture, she practices and respect her culture. Although she studied abroad, the woman haven’t forgotten her root. Not a “divorcee”,  a business woman and a respectable mother. Not a side chic she never supported nuditiy, a highly self-minded woman, highly conscientious and disciplined.

These days, most women have decided to rely on men for survival. I’m not saying women aren’t trying their best to be successful emotionally, psychologically, financially and other wise.

“But we can become what we want to be if only we do what we don’t what to do.”

Believe in yourself, believe in nature, work hard, work harder with a right mindset. We can overcome the stress, depression, financial challenge, health issues and pain.

The tragedy here is that most African girls accept bad influencers as their mentor. People who teaches them how to sell their body for money. And they will say it’s being sharp.

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala is not the only Nigeria woman doing great. There are somany other black women like her. The only problem is, these women are very few.


And the nation needs women like her to make the country great again. Remember, there is nothing impossible to him that believes.

Set your goal, achievable goals. There is nothing impossible.

Poverty is not an excuse. Most wealthy people started poor.

Life is good. Life is good to people who put in the work daily.

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Updated: March 1, 2021 — 9:50 pm

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