King Charles has been booed by demonstrators who want to overthrow the monarchy

King Charles has been booed by demonstrators who want to overthrow the monarchy

King Charles has been booed by demonstrators who want to overthrow the monarchy

In Edinburgh, monarchy-haters heckled King Charles and one held a sign that read, “F*** imperialism, abolish the monarchy.”

Crowds had gathered in the nation’s capital on September 11 to hear King Charles officially announced as the Queen’s successor by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, who is in charge of overseeing state ceremonies in Scotland.


At the renowned Edinburgh Castle, His Majesty’s State Trumpeters played a fanfare, and the Lord Lyon King of Arms read a proclamation for the King, drawing jeers and boos from other spectators.

There were audible boos from the audience as the Lord Lyon King of Arms Joseph Morrow concluded his proclamation in Edinburgh by stating, “God Save the King,” while other speakers urged for a republic.


When police came at Mercat Cross in the Scottish capital, one protester was there. She was taken away by them.

“Let her go! It’s free speech,” one man yelled.



Have some respect, someone else said.


A 22-year-old woman was detained “in connection with a breach of the peace,” according to the police.

According to a Police Scotland spokeswoman, a 22-year-old woman was detained on Sunday, September 11, 2022, outside St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh in connection with a breach of the peace.

Updated: September 12, 2022 — 11:50 am

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