Jaruma shares photos of Regina Daniels doing hard drugs

Aphrodisiac specialist, Hauwa Saidu Mohammed, popularly known as Jaruma has shared videos showing actress, using what looks like (Weed) Marijuana.

Photo of Regina doing hard drugs

Jaruma took to her Instagram page to share the photos and videos of Regina Daniels smoking and getting high on Weed.

Recall the feud between the two friends, turn enemies started when Regina Daniels debunked rumors of using Jaruma’s Kayamanta products on her Billionaire husband Ned Nwoko.

The feud reportedly led to the recent arrest of Jaruma, who in a bid to square up, Jaruma went on a slandering spree against the billionaire wife by sharing photos and publications that suggest she is a drug addict.

Updated: January 22, 2022 — 5:29 pm

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