Covid 19 Increasing Rapidly In Nigeria And Way Out

Covid 19 Increasing Rapidly In Nigeria And Way Out

Covid 19 Increasing Rapidly In Nigeria And Way Out

Covid 19 Increasing Rapidly In Nigeria And Way Out

Covid 19 is increasing rapidly in Nigeria. Every day, people keep dieing, no social distance, no mask, no hygiene. It’s true that the government should help and regulate the virus, but the major people to do the work are Nigerians.

Corona virus is a deadly disease and we all know how to avoid it, although our climate is hot, but that doesn’t mean the virus isn’t active. Last month december, villages and cities were crowded, no mask, no social distance.

Please until the vaccine comes out, let’s keep social distance, wash our hands and wear mask always. Although these won’t give 100% safety, but it will reduce the virus from spreading like wildfire. Schools have resumed, market is busy, the economy must move forward but our live to is very important.


The only way out is to obey the authorities and be safe.

This too will pass away, the best person to tell the story is YOU.

Stay safe and STOP the spread

Updated: January 27, 2021 — 2:06 pm

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