Couple Arrested for Killing their 28 year Son. See Why

Couple Arrested for Killing their 28 year Son. See Why

Couple Arrested for Killing their 28 year Son. See Why

Couple who killed their 28 years old son and secretly buried him in a shallow grave was arrested today.

An indigen of Imo State, Mr. Lambert Ukachukwu, wife and daughter have been arrested by the Imo State police after they murdered a 28 year old man.

The deceased whose name is Mr. Chukwuemeka is the last born child to this family.

After much investigation, the police found out that the deceased was killed for being stubborn and giving the family bad names.

The murder took place on 17 September 2021.

Source of news-

It was reported that he was hit with a wood, unconscious and left to die. The sad news is, he was buried half dead.

Luck ran out of the family when the community youths kept pressuring the parents to provide their son.

After much threatening, the deceased sister confess the whole incident to the public.

Updated: September 24, 2021 — 11:48 am

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