Chelsea Manager Frank Lampard sacked – Breaking News

Chelsea Manager Frank Lampard sacked – Breaking News

Chelsea Manager Frank Lampard sacked - Breaking News

The latest news is Chelsea Coach Lampard, was sacked today by Chelsea just after 1 and the half year as chelsea head coach.

Frank Lampard a former midfielder of Chelsea football club who did very well in his season, got a head coach job in his club(chelsea) 2019.
After loosing so many games this season. Lampard took side on an unbeaten 17 game but away get defeated by Everton, Arsenal, wolves and Leicester city.

And the last game they played with Manchester united cost him his job.
From Sky news in Germany, Thomas Tuchel will replace Lampard. The former Borussia Dortmund coach is available after leaving Paris Saint-Germain last month.


Updated: January 25, 2021 — 1:37 pm

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