Before Traveling Abroad or Staying Abroad, Read This Strory

Before Traveling Abroad or Staying Abroad, Read This Strory

Before Traveling Abroad or Staying Abroad, Read This Strory

There is this African man called Jibril.

He is an immigrant in Valencia, Spain. This man picked an envelope containing 4,250 Euro; that’s over 1 million naira, Nigeria money.

This happened on the street in Valencia few days ago.

Jibril then chose to play a hero and decided to take the envelope containing the money to the police and handed it over to police officer.


The officers and everyone around were surprised.

The police officer in charge then asked Jibril who is also an illegal immigrant to make a statement and it’s at that moment that they asked him to present his personal papers.


The police officer then discovered that Jibril did not have a residence card to prove that he was legally living in Spain. He was then immediately detained.

Sadly, Jibril was last week deported back to his home country in Africa and banned for years without ever stepping a foot in Spain.


Did you understand the story??

If your visa expires abroad, never go close to police station no matter what. Even if someone offends you. Because the first thing police will ask you to show is AR card.

Alien Registration Card is a residence card that shows that you are living in the country and your visa will expire at a period of time.


If you enter a country with fake visa, don’t visit the country’s immigration office. This is because, they will definitely find out and deport you immediately.


Work as long as you want to and save enough money in that country, then deport yourself immediately.


Take note

You will not enter that country for atleast 5 years. So make enough plan and choose wisely.

Most time, if you are staying illegal in a country, the best thing is to impregnate a citizen of that country. Remember, it’s not sexual harassment. Marry a citizen, impregnate her, when she gives birth to your child, with that child, you can apply for a permanent residence.

Updated: November 20, 2021 — 4:27 am

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