3 Ways To Master Your Energy For Better Productivity

3 Ways To Master Your Energy For Better Productivity

3 Ways To Master Your Energy

One of the greatest mistakes people make, is to waste energy on things they cannot control. Now energy here means alot of things. Not only ability to do a physical job.

Even without realizing it, most people waste their energy.



When you get upset, hold grudges, and stay offended, you are wasting your energy. Now instead of converting the energy to do something better, you just keep wasting it.


Have you ever wondered?

Most people who are always upset and easily offended looks old even in their young age?

And they suffer immeasurably for it.

That’s why most of these people in this category never really make positive progress in life. When it comes to health, wealth, relationship, peace, longevity, etc.


This is the fact..

There will be many things that will try to disrupt your plans and your purpose. They will try to waste your energy

They will insult, reject, criticize, betray, and downplay you for as long as you live.


But you accepting this as fate or making a better choice depends on you.

Instead of getting flustered and frustrated, you must transmute those pains into power. Although it’s more easy said than done, but you can do it.

When it’s done, you can reach the next level of your growth.

Because it takes the same energy to dwell on your pains as it does to develop your powers.

This energy can be used to pursue your dreams, live in peace, and enjoy your family. It all depends on where you want to dwell in.

We all have problems, ignoring it isn’t the solution. But focus your energy on the positive angles of life and you get better.

When you master your pains, you develop your gains.

Your energy is the most important substance that you control.

Three Steps To Take

1. Make A Record:

Is it anger, make a voicenote. Make a video, write down your burdens on paper or speak to someone you trust. This reduces the energy you waste in dealing with that issue.

This is because, you have shared your problem with someone or something else.

When you disentangle yourself from the hardship, turmoil, and affliction, you will have a life filled with actualization.


2. Remove Distractions:

Allow yourself to be free from the entanglements of the foolish.  Is true I said you have to talk to someone but not anyone.

Delete all unworthy mobile applications. Walk away from toxic places that promote bad behaviors, and surround yourself with positivity.


3. Compose a Letter to God:

Express your deepest feelings to a power that is greater than yourself. Write down every thought, emotion,  decision, and actions you’re confronted with. This is done through prayers.

Ask your maker to be with you always, then he will direct your steps.


Please share if you got any value from this article.


Updated: November 17, 2021 — 1:58 am

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